Saturday, January 24, 2009

Time To wonder and Ponder.

Sometimes its inevitable to stop and think why most things tend to remain the same.
This is the case as partains the social and economic sructures in the society especially poverty and behaviour of individual e.g social vices like drug abuse and theft.
Am tempted to think of the gaia theory to explain such but to what level this is justified is subject to debate since it might reduce to the reductionist school of thought.
Its impossible to think of issues in a linear manner especially concerning social issues.


Joseph said...

Hope you realize that the Gaia theorem refers to the school of thought that the whole world is one complex living organism. It is a theorem that has spurred many discussions, without any conclusions.

kimole said...

The more i look at the proponents claims, the more am convinced that its true, especially looking at the latest developments in the world of science.