Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I happen to habor this view that Gods power is inside every human being.
Even before human beins read the bible, they still had this notion that in one way or the other they must recognise some power beyond their understanding.
These individuals could set up special places for their God only that different people had different names for the supreme power.
Everything was associated with this power and only good things were sacrificed for this power so as to get favours.


Joseph said...

I believe that, in a sense, people came to be religious as a result of fear and incomplete knowledge. A favorite question I ask theologians is: if all paranormal pheonomena were to one day be scientifically explained, where would religion be left? Yet each new day, a new discovery is made which, effectively, overhauls some religious tenement. It is possible that our present perseption about God and other supernatural states is fundamentally flawed. Only time can tell.

kimole said...

I do agree with you on your point about using God to explain that which is not understood.
But about explaining everything scientifically,there one thing which is not clear:when scientists find for example a stone which has been shaped or iron tools, they talk of some people being responsible,what about when they find that the body system is intricate e.g genes and enzymes they talk of random mutations and survival of the fittest.But we already know the probability of a beneficial mutation is 1 in a million.

Joseph said...

Maybe the chances of a beneficial mutation are infinitismally minute, but the universe has had about 15 billion years to accumulate such "fortunate" mutations. And it has also had trillions of stellar systems to carry out these experiments. Our galaxy alone - the Milky Way - has hundrends of billions of stars, and each is a potential lab. Finally, remember that only beneficial mutations last the test of time, so ultimately, everything seems "designed" by some intelligent entity.

kimole said...

And its this entity which i tend to thik has been given the different names e.g God.